What We treat

Regrettably, most of us will suffer from some form of lower back pain at some point in our lives. 

The good news is that massage therapy is proven to be one of the most effective tools in managing and treating lower back pain

Regular massage not only helps to reduce your lower back pain through releasing restricted muscles and increasing local blood flow, but it can also help to increase your spinal mobility, especially when coupled with the targeted exercises for lower back pain that you will be shown in clinic.

In an Ocean Flow Massage Treatment, we will try to discern and treat the root causes of your back pain through a combination of a detailed consultation and assessment, a broad range of bodywork techniques and self-care suggestions.

If you have suffered from a slipped/ruptured/bulging/herniated disc, then using clinical massage as part of your rehabilitation strategy can be hugely advantageous. 

Treatments will be centred around freeing up space in the surrounding structures of the affected area, so that nerves don’t get aggravated and further exasperate your back pain or sciatica. 

You will also be educated around the implications of disc issues, healing times and ways to gently bring mobility back to a stiff and sore body when recovering from a disc issue.

SIJ Dysfunction is often a catch all diagnosis that implies some level of pain and dysfunction around the lower part of your spine. Sufferers of Sacroiliac related issues may experience pain into buttocks and down posterolateral thigh to the knee or may have difficulty climbing stairs or turning over in bed.

Massage therapy for SIJ pain can be highly beneficial in rebalancing the soft tissue structures around the pelvis and lower back which are put under stress. Depending on whether the SI joint is hyper or hypomobile, your treatment plan would then navigate you towards techniques to strengthen and mobilise around the joint.

This is the medical term for age-consistent osteoarthritis in the spine (typically cervical or lumbar) and is a catch all diagnosis that often needs further exploration to see if it is the root cause of your pain or not. Spondylosis pain is chronic and consistent, created by same movement patterns/posture, and will gradually worsen over time.

Massage and sports therapy for osteoarthritis of the spine can be an important treatment tool in managing the symptoms of spinal degeneration that can naturally occur over the years. Treatments will centre on creating space for the structures around the joints which may be creating nerve impingement, mobilising restricted tissues, and building an education around how to strengthen and support the arthritic joints.

Whiplash is caused by a sudden impact trauma such as a car accident or sporting injury, which causes the muscles and ligaments of the neck to go into extreme flexion/ extension and sprain or strain.

Prognosis for the treatment of whiplash with manual therapy techniques such as Trigger point therapy, Myofascial release, Neuromuscular and Mobilisation techniques and supportive rehab and education, are very positive. With most massage clients seeing a considerable reduction in pain and return to normal range of motion within 3-6 weeks.

One of the principal muscles responsible for creating a stiff neck is a muscle called the Levator Scapula. The good news is that this muscle responds incredibly well to manual therapy and a chronic stiff neck can often be greatly improved after a clinical massage treatment plan, with excellent ROM returned.

Torticollis is defined as when the cervical spine gets fixed in lateral flexion and rotation on one side. This can either be acute, congenital, or flair up when under stress. Massage and sports therapy techniques for the treatment of Torticollis, and other conditions whereby the musculature of the neck is put under excessive stress such as Cervical Dystonia, can be a highly effective treatment and pain management tool.

TOS is a condition whereby the nerve bundle starting in the neck, known as the Brachial Plexus, gets impinged by restrictions in the surrounding soft tissues. This causes sensations of numbness or tingling down the arm and in the fingers; aches and pains in the neck, shoulder, and hand; or a weakened grip.

It is not uncommon, however, for there to be nerve compression happening at several sites along the neck, chest, and wrist. An Advanced Clinical Massage treatment plan will restore space, fluid flow and mobility to all of the potential entrapment sites of your upper limb innervation, whilst also addressing other lifestyle factors that may be contributing to your Thoracic Outlet Syndrome symptoms.  

Advanced Clinical Massage techniques are a highly effective treatment tool when it comes to managing the symptoms of a herniated cervical disc. Starting with a combination of myofascial release techniques, heat treatment and gentle mobilisations, to turn down the pain signals in the body, Cervical disc herniation or degeneration treatments then move into targeting restricted soft tissue structures and neural pathways, and finish with neck and shoulder rehabilitation.

Sometimes people are concerned about whether using manual therapy on a bulging disc issue may make it worse, but please rest assure that quite the opposite is true, remedial massage and sports therapy can have great outcomes for reducing disc associated pain.

There are multiple factors which can contribute to a person’s suffering from chronic headaches. These include lifestyle factors, stress, injuries, restrictions in the muscles of the neck and upper back, and diet.

That is why at Ocean Flow Therapies you will always be assessed and treated using the Bio-Psycho-Social modal of integrative healthcare when receiving treatments for headaches. This helps us drill down into the root cause of your pain and achieve more sustainable outcomes for finding ways to reduce and manage chronic headaches.

The joints of the shoulder are some of the most complicated and mobile joints in your body that can perform some extremely diverse ranges of motion. This, however, can lead to a multitude of difficult to pin down problems, that can leave suffers of neck and shoulder pain feeling confused and frustrated.

At Ocean Flow Therapies every Clinical massage treatment plan for shoulder pain promises to do a detailed exploration of all possible offending structures. As various medical practitioners may come to you with different diagnosis for the same issue, Ocean Flow gets less hung up on naming the offending issue and focuses more on restoring a sense of ease and proper function to the areas in question.

Using orthopaedic testing, advanced bodywork techniques, assisted stretching and neuromuscular techniques, along with rehabilitation and self-care ideas for shoulders, most clients find a reduction in their shoulder pain and a return to normal function within 4-6 weeks.

The Supraspinatus muscles is one of four muscles that act on the shoulder joint and make up the Rotator Cuff. Often diagnosed with the more general term, rotator cuff injury, supraspinatus tendinopathy causes pain when lifting the arm out and overhead. This means it’s a common injury for people who perform repetitive overhead activities in their profession of sport.

Remedial massage and sports therapy for the treatment of supraspinatus injuries can help to speed up recovery time and a return to pain free function. Importantly, in clinic, we use a range of special tests to determine between other closely related shoulder issues, so that we can tailor a treatment plan towards the most effective outcomes.

Pain in the anterior upper arm and reduced mobility, especially when bringing the arm out overhead, could be indicative of subacromial bursitis. The Bursa is a fluid filled sac in the shoulder joint, which helps to reduce friction when the shoulder is moving and can become inflamed.

Unlike Supraspinatus tendinopathy, which is often an acute injury occurring in the same area, subacromial bursitis has a gradual onset.

Special tests for the shoulder, which we’ll carry out as part of our clinical massage treatment plan, can help to determine the difference between the two pathologies and the best treatment for your arm and shoulder pain.

Rotator cuff injury is a catch all diagnosis referring to disfunction in any of the four muscles that make up the rotator cuff at the shoulder joint.

A rotator cuff injury can cause many of the surrounding structures in the neck, chest and upper back to also become restricted and painful. That is why we will treat above and below the shoulder joint in our clinical massages and use sports therapy to help restore pain free range of movement as quickly as possible, combined with correct rehab and self-care advice.

Defined as a thickening of the capsule surrounding the shoulder joint (glenohumeral), causing inflammation, contracture and limited ROM.

The onset of frozen shoulder is still not fully understood, however, stress is indicated as a precursor, which is why your story will always be heard and held space for in clinic.

Whilst massage for frozen shoulder will not cure the condition, it can greatly reduce the time the shoulder capsule remains frozen and speed up the thawing stage, making your return to full ROM less painful.

Shoulder Impingement syndrome is a catch all diagnosis for when pain is felt when abducting arm between 70-120 degrees, weakness when raising the arm, or possibly swelling and inflammation around the shoulder joint.

In an advanced clinical massage treatment plan for shoulder impingement, we would first of all try and assess whether the pain is coming from restrictions in the muscles, bursa, ligaments or the joint and then would tailor a treatment plan to help restore pain free function. We would also assess potential lifestyle factors that may be further aggravating the issue.

Inflammation or irritation to the long head of the bicep, which normally occurs gradually, often with repetitive overhead activities.

Pain from a Bicipital tendinopathy can often spread around the musculature of the upper arm, shoulder, and neck. In an advanced clinical massage treatment plan, we would, therefore, treat all the structures around the painful area, as well as focusing on bringing down the inflammation at the tendinous attachment of the bicep.

Hand, wrist, elbow and arm pain normally stems from either nerve impingement, such as with carpal tunnel syndrome; conditions that immobilise the full range of motion in the hands, such as with arthritis or Dupuytren’s Contracture; or inflammation and degeneration of tendons, as is the case with Tennis or Golfers elbow.

Clinical massage can greatly help with such conditions of the wrist, hand, and forearm, by opening the palmar fascia and wrist retinaculum, releasing restricted muscles that are placing greater stress on the tendons, and calming inflammatory responses in the body. A range of myofascial release, heat treatment, neuromuscular stretching and trigger point therapy will also be used in a massage treatment plan to help restore function in the affected area.

All treatment plans for your wrist, hand, elbow, and forearm pain will include self-care strategies to help you better manage or heal your condition at home.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition whereby the median nerve gets compressed at the wrist. This can create symptoms such as hand and wrist pain, which can travel all the way up to the shoulders. It can also create sensations of pins and needles in digits one, two, three and the lateral side of the fourth digit, often worse at night.

A Clinical massage treatment plan for Carpal tunnel would firstly assess if the symptoms only present at the wrist, or, also further up the arm, where other nerve entrapment sites can occur. We would also take a thorough consultation to help us determine which lifestyle factors may have led to the condition developing and to better inform our treatment plan and self-care advice.

With a combination of massage therapy and regular home rehab practices, the prognosis for avoiding surgery for Carpal tunnel syndrome is very positive.

Golfer’s or Tennis elbow refer to pain around the inner or outer elbow. Known medically by the terms Medial and Lateral Epicondylitis. The it is in the name refers to inflammation of the tendons running from the muscles of the forearm to attach at the elbow. Conversely, often inflammation isn’t present at all with these conditions and pain may be present due to overuse and degeneration.

Treatment for Tennis and Golfer’s Elbow will centre on bringing down the pain in the affected area, using heat and myofascial release to take the pressure off the restricted muscles of the forearm, assisted stretching, and rehab advice for active rest and recovery.

Irritation, inflammation, or degeneration of the tendons at the base of the thumb is known medically as De Quervain Syndrome (and colloquially as texters or gamers thumb). De Quervain can occur as an RSI, or repetitive strain injury, due to overuse, and typically creates pain that radiates down the thumb or up the forearm.

Not only will you receive clinically informed manual therapy to help you ease your symptoms in a treatment plan, but also targeted rehab strategies of when to implement active rest and when and how to start rebuilding tendon strength.

RSI is a catch all diagnosis that stand for Repetitive Strain Injury. You may also hear cross overs in your diagnosis with Tendinitis, Tendinosis, Tenosynovitis, which all refer to pain felt at the tendons of the body.

RSIs can suffers can often feel anxious, tired, and depressed, symptoms which can be further exasperated by outside factors such as work and lifestyle. Not only will you receive clinically informed manual therapy to help you ease your RSI symptoms, but also targeted rehab strategies of when to implement active rest, how to make appropriate lifestyle modifications, and when and how to start rebuilding tendon strength.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an auto-immune disease which typically affects smaller joints such as hand and bone. It is characterised by periods of inflammation, whereby swelling at the joint and pain occurs, with remission.

Massage therapy can be an extremely effective intervention for the treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis and can play a key role in managing your symptoms long term.

Treatments for Rheumatoid arthritis will centre around calming the nervous system, which when dysregulated, can lead to flair-ups. We will also treat fascial restrictions & trigger points that have formed in the soft tissue structures and may be further contributing to your pain. Finally, practical self-care advise will be given to you to help you improve your quality of life when living with Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Massage therapy for Dupuytren’s Contracture will centre around opening the palmar fascia of the hand and wrist, which thickens in this pathology. We will release soft tissue restrictions in the forearm, which may be contributing towards your reduced range of motion and possibly creating pain. We will also use neuromuscular techniques to bring a great ROM to the hand, wrist, and arm. You will also be given rehab advice of how to best prevent the further development of Dupuytren’s contracture.

Specialist treatment of hip pain using advanced clinical massage and soft tissue release techniques. Massage for hip pain can help to promote a freer range of movement in the hip joint, by releasing tight muscles around the hip and pelvic complex.

Mobilising and reducing trigger points in the hips, can also help with the reduction of lower back pain and sciatica symptoms, as well as promote a better quality of life with arthritic patients. Hip rehabilitation and self-care strategies will always be considered as a part of your treatment plan.

Massage and rehabilitation for adductor strains can greatly improve your chances of a smoother recovery from injury and a quicker return to the activities that you love. Great for improving local blood flow to the injured area, promoting healing.

Work with a tailored rehab plan for adductor strains, to learn how to approach and regain your return to full movement.

There seem to be so many questions that come up around this horrible symptom ‘Can sciatica be cured?’, ‘Can sciatica cause hip and knee pain?’, ‘Why does sciatica come and go?’,’ Why is my sciatica worse at night?’… and if I could give a cut-and-dry answer to all the hundreds of questions related to sciatica then I’d be a rich person!

Unfortunately, Sciatica is a complex condition to unravel, as it is multi-factorial, with Bio-Psycho-Social implications, and every case is unique. That is why at Ocean Flow Therapies we take the time to do in-depth consultations, and special testing, treating the continuity of soft tissues throughout the length of the sciatic nerve, as well as examining and treating the lower back and hips. Rehabilitation and self-care practices are also fundamental to finding a way through your sciatic pain.

The Iliolumbar ligament runs between the lower back and pelvis. It can be sprained via forward flexion combined with rotation through the spine. Manual therapy and rehab advice for iliolumbar ligament sprain can greatly reduce the chance of this injury turning chronic.

A catch-all diagnosis for pain in the outer hip, also known as lateral hip pain or trochanteric bursitis. GTPS has cross-over symptoms with diagnoses such as Hip OA, RA and femoroacetabular impingement.

Treatment will centre around releasing the muscles of the lateral hip, known as your abductors, and then strengthening these structures once your pain is decreased to a manageable level.

It is important to know what aggravates hip osteoarthritis in your personal presentation. For example, does your hip osteoarthritis cause you knee pain? What activities cause your hip OA to flair up? And what are your options around hip surgery for arthritis? That is why thorough and continual assessment will play a lead role in our treatment plans.

In our clinical massage treatments together, we will not only help to bring down any pain related to your hip OA but also show you how to help manage hip osteoarthritis and teach you strength-building strategies to help support the hip joint.

It is possible to live pain-free with arthritis, or at least to manage it so that it doesn’t dramatically reduce your quality of life. And at Ocean Flow Therapies we hope to help you discover how.

Available to treat a whole range of leg, knee and foot pain and pathologies through a combination of assessment, massage, myofascial release, rehab and self-care strategies.

Massage can be a beneficial way to relieve tired and overworked legs and feet and to increase local blood flow and lymphatic drainage of the lower limbs. Learning about best practices to support the knee joint and the ankles and hips, can take the pressure off the surrounding muscles that have become overly tight and painful as they try to support weak or injured joints.

At Ocean Flow Therapies we are proud to be grounded in the Bio-Psycho-Social model of pain management. Using integrative healthcare practices that treat the whole person, our treatment plans for systemic conditions offer alternatives to simply relying on medication.

Calm the nervous system to soothe the body and mind with this systemic treatment for IBS.

Combining myofascial release, visceral manipulation, and other grounding bodywork techniques, with gentle breathwork and mindful interventions.

This IBS treatment plan will help you address the root cause of your pathology and bring ease to your symptoms, as well as give you long-term strategies for managing and overcoming your IBS.

Calm the nervous system to soothe the body and mind with this systemic treatment for Chronic Fatigue.

Combining myofascial release, visceral manipulation, and other grounding bodywork techniques, with gentle breathwork and mindful interventions.

This Chronic Fatigue treatment plan will address the Bio-Psycho-Social aspects of your pathology and bring ease to your symptoms, as well as give you long-term strategies for managing your Chronic Fatigue.

Calm the nervous system to soothe the body and mind with this systemic treatment for Fibromyalgia.

Combining myofascial release, visceral manipulation, and other grounding bodywork techniques, with gentle breathwork and mindful interventions.

This Fibromyalgia treatment plan will address the Bio-Psycho-Social aspects of your pathology and bring ease to your symptoms, as well as give you long-term strategies for managing your Fibromyalgia.

If you are looking for a holistic approach to managing your rehabilitation and trauma post-stroke or cancer treatment, then Ocean Flow Therapies can offer you a calm and nurturing space for your recovery.

Combining myofascial release, visceral manipulation, and other grounding bodywork techniques, with gentle breathwork and mindful interventions.

Our treatment plans for post-stroke or cancer recovery will address the Bio-Psycho-Social aspects of your pathology and help bring ease to your symptoms as you gently navigate your way back to health.

Calm the nervous system to soothe the body and mind with this systemic treatment for Asthma.

Combining myofascial release, visceral manipulation, and other grounding bodywork techniques, with gentle breathwork and mindful interventions. Restrictions in the muscles of respiration will be gently released, to help with the free flow of breath in the body.

This asthma treatment plan will address the Bio-Psycho-Social aspects of your pathology and bring ease to your symptoms, as well as give you long-term strategies for managing your asthma.

Calm the nervous system to soothe the body and mind with this systemic treatment for MS.

Combining myofascial release, visceral manipulation, cranial sacral, and other grounding bodywork techniques, with gentle breathwork and mindful interventions.

This MS treatment plan will address the Bio-Psycho-Social aspects of your pathology and help to bring ease to your symptoms.

Calm the nervous system to soothe the body and mind with this systemic treatment for Cervical Dystonia.

Restrictions in the muscles of the neck and shoulders will be gently released, to help ease the tension created by dystonia. This will be combined with myofascial release and other grounding bodywork techniques, with gentle breathwork and mindful interventions.

This cervical dystonia treatment plan will address the Bio-Psycho-Social aspects of your pathology and bring ease to your symptoms, as well as give you long-term strategies for managing your dystonia.

If you are looking for a holistic approach to managing your anxiety or depression, then Ocean Flow Therapies can offer you a calm and nurturing space for you to decompress.

Combining myofascial release, cranial-sacral, visceral manipulation, and other grounding bodywork techniques, with gentle breathwork and mindful interventions. Massage is clinically proven to be a highly effective tool for managing the, often debilitating, effects of anxiety and depression.

Our treatment plans for managing anxiety and depression will address the Bio-Psycho-Social aspects of your condition and help bring ease to your symptoms, as well as offer you integrative healthcare advice to help you better manage your day-to-day.

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